Signature Maker

John Smith
Account Manager, Google Inc.
Phone: 123-456-7890
Mobile: 123-456-7890
165 B Street New Windsor, NY 12553



About Signature Maker

Signature Maker allows you to create custom digital signature that that you can use for any document, online or offline.

How to Use Signature Maker

To make email signature, pick your desired design and fill-in the textboxes provided. To get the HTML code, click on the 'Get Code' button and copy the paste in your signature section of your email client. Note: Almost all email clients provide a way to set-up your email signature once and it will automatically insert the signature at the bottom of every email you send.

How to add HTML signature to Gmail

If you want to add HTML signature to Gmail, you have to select the HTML code by clicking the "Select HTML Signature" button. Once it's selected, copy it and paste it in the signature section of Gmail. See video below for more detailed instructions.

To make handwritten signature, just start writing your signature in the space provided above, using your mouse cursor. You can also customize the pen size and color. If you are not satisfied you can just clear the form and try again. Once you are satisfied, download the image and use in any document online or in word document.

To make font signature, just type your name and then select the font name. You can also customize the size and color. If you are not satisfied you can clear the form and try again. Once you are satisfied, download the image and use in any document online or in word document.

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